Friday 10 October 2014

Welcome to Term 4 Everyone

I hope you all have had a great relaxing break. You will need it since Term 4 is flat out just like the other Terms!
Here are some of the events coming up -
This Term we start with the "Life Education" programme - "Friends"
 On the 23rd October is our Athletics Day.
Swimming lessons at Wharenui Pool start on the 31st October and finish on the 13th November.
Kapahaka starts at 2pm most Wednesdays instead of 2.15pm.
The Senior Choir is singing in the ChCh Music Festival.

We will of course be flat out with our Writng, Reading and Maths - lots of planning ready to go there.
Inquiry include "UV and Me" and "Cyber Safe Kids"

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS goes to BEN and Meshwa. They have been working so well on their IXL Maths over the holidays. I receive reports every week on how everyone is going and how many minutes everyone has done. If you get spare time before Monday get stuck in!!

Here are Tom, Yazeed and Connor having fun from our last experiment in the last week of last term!
Can't wait to see you all on Monday.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs McCallum

PS - Some of you need to buy a couple of 1B8 exercise books since we have run out of room in your other books.
PPS - Don't forget to bring your sunhats

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